(google the name and you find a project that experiments on something that can control your MIND)
The wavelength gently grows,
Coercive notions re-evolve,
A universe is trapped inside a tear,
It resonates the core,
Creates unnatural laws,
Replaces love and happiness with fear
Coercive notions re-evolve,
A universe is trapped inside a tear,
It resonates the core,
Creates unnatural laws,
Replaces love and happiness with fear
Some wavelength can control minds, that make someone in between the state 'awake and sleep'-also known as hypnosis.Some of the place in earth are covered with tears and sober.
Unnatural Laws = the law where justice and the truth doesn't stand on the same stance.
replace Love and Happiness with fear = you can look at this everywhere :)
How much deception can you take?
How many lies will you create?
How much longer until you break?
You mind's about to fall
And they are breaking through,
They are breaking through,
Now we're falling,
We are losing control
How many lies will you create?
How much longer until you break?
You mind's about to fall
And they are breaking through,
They are breaking through,
Now we're falling,
We are losing control
breaking through = already entered our minds.and we are losing ourselves.
Invisible to all,
The mind becomes a wall.
All of history deleted with one stroke
Invisible = something you won't notice.
mind becomes a wall = your mind has been blocked to see what you should see.and believe what you shoul look for.
In my opinion, not 'history deleted',but the people that forgotten about the history.
tq :)
jie.. pi mkn ubat gile n tido ok.
em, lagu ni bermaksud apa?
aku kureng sikit bi.
cm berhantu je bg kau.
nina: lebih baik kau yang tido wahai gemut!..HAHAHAHAHAH
afie: MK ultra ni sbenarnye code name untuk slh satu mission CIA mase 50an sampai 60an, diorang buat operation ni untuk cari ape yg blh buat manusia ikut cakap diorang,so diorang buat eksperimen kat org canada ngn u.s, diorang cube pakai frequency signal, certain signal akan menyebabkan otak keluarkan something yang buat kita khayal, so dlm keadaan sparuh sedar mcm tu, diorang cube control, pastu diorang bagi kita info2 yg salah, contoh, kau penah tgk dlm mane2 crite U.S,ade tak orang arab jadi hero?..atau sape2 yg lakonkan watak pak arab jadi hero?..takpenah pun, jadi watak jahat mmg banyak,kalau kita yg boleh pkir ni mmg cakap ni tak betul,n ade gak yg tak sedar yg diorang ni dah set mind kita yg org arab ni jahat tp kalau budak2 tgk, mmg diorang cakap org arab ni jahat la ape la,logik? ape2 yg jd, diorang ckp 'terrorist', so org bila dgr terrorist, mesti tgk asia barat,.sng la diorng nak tuduh2, n org yg 'buta' pon caye la bulat2.
btw, kau google perkataan ni, " TIM OSMAN " (kau tgk sape dia betul2) n yg ni "operation false flag" ( kau baca kat wikipedia dulu, then kau tgk ape kene mengene ngn 9/11. ok?
i love the song <3
u pnh dgr x muse post syndrome
aku ushar skang!!
naddie: oh!..nnti i dgr balik.ade kene mengene ngn bende ni ke?
afi: open your heart :)
oit aku bru ade blogger nih. jd folower aku r
saya sgt menyetujui!!!
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