Tuesday, December 29, 2009


ok guys...do u know what happen on this date?..The 'thing' happen on exactly 1 P.M. ok, tukar bahasa, mcm dalam buku teks budak budak kan ade dwi bahasa, erm...do u know who is this guy?

yeah, he is the man, the man that make me want to be a percussionist, he so FKING LEGEND!. Multi-'talented drummer of A7X ( Avenged Sevenfold),  Jimmy ' James ' Sulliven a.k.a The Rev. This a tribute for him. he was the best drummer for me. This is very weird because none of 'R.I.P' thing makes me feel like this kind of sad. ok, im out to watch A7x All Excess.

R.I.P The Rev 28/12/2009. 1 p.m


KRL kaprileader said...

jgn sdey2 bang oi
esok an de g...
bakat bsepah
cari je kat malaysian got talent 2010

Pozie Vengeance said...

butuh kauu~

Pozie Vengeance said...

butuh kauu~